Tag results for: TTAG

TTAG Denies Allowance Increase Rumours; Demands Arrears Payment

TTAG Denies Allowance Increase Rumors; Demands Arrears Payment

Payment of Teacher Trainees’ Allowance and Matters Arising

Teacher trainees across various public colleges of education in Ghana are eagerly anticipating the release of their allowances by the government for the entire second semester of the just-ended academic year.

TTAG Proposes New Pass Mark for NTC Licensure Exams

The Teacher Trainees' Association of Ghana (TTAG) has proposed a revision of the pass mark for the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE).

TTAG Resolves to Double Trainees’ Allowance to Alleviate Financial Challenges

The leadership of the Teacher Trainees' Association of Ghana (TTAG) has confirmed a resolution to increase the monthly allowance for teacher trainees from GHS 400.00 to GHS 800.00.

Teacher Trainees Demand Unpaid Allowances Ahead of New Academic Year

Teacher Trainees Demand Unpaid Allowances Ahead of New Academic Year

Why Some Applicants Miss Out on College of Education Admission

The Government, through the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), sets annual admission quotas for these institutions.

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