TTAG Resolves to Double Trainees’ Allowance to Alleviate Financial Challenges

TTAG National President, H.E Soale Razak
TTAG National President, H.E Soale Razak

The leadership of the Teacher Trainees’ Association of Ghana (TTAG) has confirmed a resolution to increase the monthly allowance for teacher trainees from GHS 400.00 to GHS 800.00.

This decision, aimed at alleviating financial challenges faced by trainees, was announced in a communiqué and resolutions issued during TTAG’s 28th Annual General Assembly at Tamale College of Education, held from November 1st to 4th, 2024, under the theme “Prioritizing Long-term Initiatives in Colleges of Education and Bridging Policy With Practice: The Role Stakeholders”

Key Issues Addressed at the Assembly

TTAG’s communiqué, released on November 14th, 2024, outlined several critical issues facing Colleges of Education, and urged the government and educational stakeholders to take immediate action:

Infrastructure Deficits:

The association acknowledged the government’s efforts to address infrastructure challenges facing the colleges with the 300-bed capacity hostel project.

However, they emphasized the ongoing need for improved facilities, including science labs, ICT labs, and libraries, especially under the new Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program.

The association called for collaboration with private entities, NGOs, teacher unions, and stakeholders to continue developing infrastructure in the Colleges of Education.

“We appeal to the Ministry of Education (MoE), Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), Transforming Teaching, Education and Learning (T-TEL), and PRINCOF to collaborate with private entities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Teacher Unions and Stakeholders for continued infrastructure development in the Colleges of Education”

SEE ALSO: 300-Bed Hostel Project in Colleges of Education to be Completed Next Year – PRINCOF President

Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE):

While recognizing the importance of the GTLE in upholding teaching standards, TTAG hasadvocated for a review of its timing to better align with trainees’ academic schedules and improve pass rates.

According to TTAG, the GTLE should be included in the final semester curriculum, with a pass mark set at 50%.

“We advocate for the GTLE to be included in the curriculum, administered in the final semester, and set at a pass mark of 50%”

SEE ALSO: How to Pass Your Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination With Ease

Feeding Concerns:

The TTAG expressed strong disapproval of the recent proposal to allocate GHC1.50 of trainees’ allowances to supplement feeding costs.

They argue that this negatively impacts trainee welfare and call as well for an improvement in the quality and quantity of meals provided.

“We kindly request improvement in the quality and quantity of meals provided to Teacher Trainees, with full allowance payments for final-year Trainees.”

SEE ALSO: Teacher Trainees Demand Unpaid Allowances Ahead of New Academic Year

School Fees:

The association expressed deep concern over the substantial increase in school fees for the 2024/2025 academic year.

They urge a reassessment, particularly for final-year students who are facing significant financial burdens.

“We urge GTEC, PRINCOF, and mentoring universities to review and adjust the school fees for the 2024/2025 academic year and beyond to alleviate the financial burden on Teacher Trainees” TTAG asserted

Delayed Examination Results:

According to TTAG, Persistent delays and inconsistencies in releasing examination results from colleges affiliated with major universities are causing stress and disrupting academic planning.

“The persistent delay and inconsistencies in releasing examination results, especially for Colleges of Education affiliated with the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), University of Ghana (UG), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), and the University of Development Studies (UDS) remain a challenge. This affects academic planning and causes undue stress among trainees,” TTAG Noted

They urged the affiliate universities to ensure prompt and accurate result releases.

“We urge affiliate universities to ensure the timely and accurate release of results to facilitate Teacher Trainees’ academic progress”

SEE ALSO: Grading System of the University of Cape Coast And How to Calculate Your CGPA

CETAG Concerns

The statement also highlighted the need for immediate action to address CETAG’s concerns in order to prevent further strike actions that will disrupt the academic calendar for trainees.

“We call for urgent action to resolve the concerns of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) to prevent further strike actions so that Teacher Trainees would have a smooth academic journey”

Allowance Priority:

TTAG Requested that all the political parties prioritize teacher trainee allowances in their policies.

“We request all political parties to prioritize Teacher Trainee allowances in policies, recognizing the essential financial support the allowance provides” TTAG emphasized

SEE ALSO: CETAG Strike: Agreement Broken, Action Promised

Allowance Adjustment:   

The association revealed that it has resolved an increase in Teacher Trainees’ allowance from GHS 400.00 to GHS 800.00.

According to them, this increase aims to alleviate the financial burdens faced by trainees as the current stipend is nothing to write home about.

“Recent reductions in allowances due to the high prices of goods remain a great concern to Teacher Trainees. With the feeding component raised to GHC10.00 daily, the Teacher Trainee allowance has reduced to GHC133.00 monthly” TTAG lamented.

“We have resolved an increase in the Teacher Trainees’ allowance from GHc400.00 to GHC800.00 to alleviate the financial challenges faced by trainees” TTAG posited.

The association has urged the government and educational stakeholders to take immediate action on the outlined issues and the resolutions reached to ensure a smooth academic experience for these future educators.

SEE ALSO: Teacher Trainee Allowance: The Myth Vrs Reality


SEE ALSO: Alleged reasons for PRINCOF’s postponement of the reopening date for Colleges of Education

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