18 New Allowances Agreed for Teachers in Ghana by Government


The Government and the Leaders of the three teacher Unions representing teachers at the pre-tertiary level have reached an agreement on the conditions of service for pre-tertiary education teachers.

The negotiation, which took place between the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance (MoF), Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR), and Ghana Education Service (GES) on one side, and the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) in collaboration with the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) and Coalition of Concerned Teachers, Ghana (CCT-GH) on the other side, finally concluded on May 31, 2024.

Both parties engaged in the negotiation in utmost good faith, striving to find common ground on various issues.

The resulting agreement, titled the “Negotiation Agreement,” outlines the terms and understanding reached by the government team and the teachers’ associations.

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The terms of the agreement include the agreement on 18 allowances for pre-tertiary education teachers within the Ghana Education Service.

These allowances aim to address various aspects of teachers’ welfare and professional development.

The specific details and breakdown of these 18 allowances with teachers eligible to enjoy are as follow;

Item/AllowanceAgreed Rate/AgreementEligibility
Permanent Posting Allowance3 months’ Basic SalaryA Teacher who is moved from one geographical area, location or station to another permanently at the instance of Management
Additional Duty Allowance10% of monthly basic salaryA Teacher who is asked in writing to take additional responsibility for a position other than his/her own for more than twenty-one (21) days
Allowances for DirectorsApproved Category 4 rate to applyDirectors and above
Medical CareApproved Category 2 and 3 rate to applyAll Teachers
Traveling Expense AllowanceApproved Category 2 and 3 rate to applyA Teacher who is posted to a news station
Acting AllowanceApproved Category 2 and 3 rate to applyA Teacher performing in a temporary position which is higher than his/her current position and not expected to last for more than six (6) months.
Night/Out-of-Station AllowanceApproved Category 2 and 3 rate to applyA Teacher who travels on official duties and is required to spend the night away from his/her duty station in Ghana
Vehicle Maintenance AllowanceApproved Category 2 and 3 rate to applyA Teacher whose work requires the use of a vehicle but is requested to use his/her own vehicle/motorcycle/bicycle for day-to-day official duties
Kilometric AllowanceApproved Category 2 and 3 rate to applyA Teacher whose work requires the use of a vehicle but is requested to use his/her own vehicle for official trips
Protective ClothingTo be provided by the Ghana Education Service (GES)Technical/Vocational, Science, ICT and Home Economics teachers
Funeral GrantApproved Category 2 and 3 rate to applyAll Teachers
Physically Challenged Guide AllowanceApproved Category 2 and 3 rate to applyA Physically Challenged teacher who needs a guide for onward payment to the guide
Physically Challenged transport allowanceApproved Category 2 and 3 rate to applyA physically challenged teacher who is certified as needing special means of transport to enable him/her commute to and from work
Retention Premium15% monthly basic salaryAll Teachers
Continuous Professional Development Allowance (CPDA) per annum  2400 for Professional Teachers 1800 for Non-Professional Teachers The GHS200 shall be deducted at source annually for the CPD That GHS100 shall be deducted at source for license renewal That this allowance shall be paid in September, 2024 and November, 2025 All Teachers
Deprived /Difficult Area IncentiveThe Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service shall review the Deprived Area Report for implementation The Teacher Unions  shall then negotiate the figures with FWSCTo Eligible Teachers
Complimentary Digital instruction support allowanceGHS800 per annum to be paid in November each year.All Teachers
Advance for Teachers in GESAn advance of not exceeding 150% of an employees’ annual gross salary (to be repaid in not more than eight-four(84) equal instalments) may be granted to the confirmed teacher.All Teachers

This agreement shall be effective from July 1st, 2024 and will remain in effect until June 30th, 2026.

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According to the agreement, the FWSC and GES will collaborate to rectify any discrepancies in salary placement or improper placements.

The GES and the Pre-Tertiary Teacher Unions will also promptly work together to address all unresolved matters related to the promotion of Deputy Directors (DD) to Director II and subsequently to Director I by September 2024.

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