Tag results for: Ministry of Education

CETAG Outlines ‘Demands’ for Ending Strike After Rejecting Memorandum of Agreement

The Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) has issued a set of suggestions to the government, outlining the steps needed for the union to consider ending its ongoing strike action.

CETAG Rejects PRINCOF Appeal to End Strike, Accuses Body of Perpetuating Injustice

The Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) has rejected an appeal by the National Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) to end their ongoing strike action, accusing the body of siding with the government to perpetuate injustices against CETAG members.

Reconsider Your Position During This Pivotal Period and Return to the Classroom – TTAG to CETAG

The Teacher Trainees' Association of Ghana (TTAG) has issued a plea to the Colleges of Education Teachers' Association of Ghana (CETAG) for clarity and urgent action regarding their ongoing strike.

PRINCOF Appeals to CETAG to End Strike, Assures Progress on Key Demands

The Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) has issued a fervent plea to the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) to call off their ongoing strike action and return to lectures by Tuesday, August 7, 2024.

Reasons Why CETAG Is Refusing to Call Off Its Industrial Action Despite the Signed MoA

The current strike actions of CETAG has its root traced back to 2021 where the leadership of CETAG called for negotiations on their Conditions of Service in a whole.

NLC and CETAG Set to Clash in Court Battle

The strike, which has caused disruptions to academic activities across all the public colleges of education sector, was initially thought to have been resolved when a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed between CETAG and the government on July 26th, 2024.

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