Donation of Lifejackets to Residents of Anlo Beach by Let Everyone Smile Foundation(LESF)


Let Everyone Smile Foundation on Tuesday, 19th April, 2022, donated enough Life Jackets to the People of Anlo(Awuna) Beach in Shama, Western Region.

The Foundation

The Foundation which is a non governmental organization was established in 21st January 2020 by Justice Cobbinah Jnr, also known as Justoo Abrantepa and was later joined by Christopher, Apeku and Pallas.

The foundation has over 70 members across the globe and have been nominated by the Humanitarian Awards Global last year.

Purpose for the Donation

Speaking with Coleman publications on the rationale behind this life saving agenda the foundaton has embarked on, the founder, Justoo Abrantepa said;

“As part of the activities during the official launch of Let Everyone Smile Foundation in December last year, We embarked on a clean up exercise at Anlo (Awuna) Beach.

We had to board a canoe to cross the Pra River from Shama to the venue, we requested for a life jacket and they laughed and replied they’ve never used a life jacket before.

We had to take the risk to embark on this deadly voyage to make our project a success since we’ve promised the Chief and the residents about our coming so we didn’t want to disappoint.

We saw that Students crosses the River to school always without life jackets, and it’s normal to them, but should there be a jeopardy before? how about visitors? so we as a foundation thought it wise to donate life jackets to the commercial canoe operators and subject the general residents to thorough education and lecture on the need to wear a life jacket when crossing the River.

And that is exactly what we’ve done today. These Life saving Jackets were imported from China by the Foundation to help save precious lives. We are very grateful to God and Individuals who pushed this agenda”


The chief for the community, Torgbui Tekple Garikor III, with His elders showed appreciation to the Foundation for educating the community, donating to the commercial canoes, and making crossing of the River Pra more convenient and safe especially to visitors.

A Call for aid by the Community

However, the community is still calling on the general public for support since the District Assembly can’t do it alone, hence will need all hands on desk. The community, which is facing alot of challenges currently is pleading for;

1) building materials to be donated to them as they prepare to relocate to their newsite because of the engulfment of the tidal waves that has rendered over 300 residents homeless.

2) a canoe and an outboard motor that will purposely be used to transport visitors to and fro anytime they visit the community.

To support, kindly call 024096196/ 0571119192.

In his conclusion, Justice said, “The foundation is poised in transmogrifying the status quo of Shama District”

Justice Cobbinah Jnr
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