The Need to Reconsider Dining Services in Colleges of Education- Moses Coleman Writes

This article aims to shed light on the issue and explore possible alternatives and solutions.
This article aims to shed light on the issue and explore possible alternatives and solutions.

The ‘government-sponsored daily meals’ provided to trainees in the colleges of education is becoming a growing challenge, causing unrest in some of the colleges.

As a media outlet, we have received numerous complains from trainees in about 25 colleges allegedly about the quality and quantity of the food they are served.

Trainees’ Concerns and Boycotts:

Some of the trainees stated they have even gone to the extent of boycotting meals by walking out of their dining halls in protest.

SEE: The meals remain unchanged despite the deduction in our allowances to PRINCOF – Trainees Lament

Yet, there has been no visible progress or effort from their college management to address their concerns in this regard.

Reduction in Allowances:

The situation is worsened by the government’s decision to reduce the allowances of trainees, aiming to supplement the portion already allocated to the colleges.

SEE ALSO: “Improve the Quantity and Quality of Meals, and Bring Back Our Old Menus”- Teacher Trainees’ Plea to PRINCOF

This development has further fueled the discontent among some students, who feel that their management has not made any effort to address their concerns.

A Case Study: Jasikan College of Education:

The recent incident at Jasikan College of Education exemplifies the seriousness of the feeding issues.

These trainees clashed with the police solely due to problems related to their meals.

CHECK: Police Clash with Students of Jasikan College of Education: SRC President Slapped and Arrested

This incident serves as a stark reminder that the problem demands a comprehensive solution.

Reconsidering Dining Arrangements:

Considering the dissatisfaction among students, it begs the question: why not cancel the dining service and allow the trainees to fend for themselves?

After all, they are pursuing a tertiary education and should be treated as such. Taking a cue from the nursing trainees, where their full allowances are directly allocated to their respective cards, a similar approach could be adopted for teacher trainees.

This would grant them the freedom to manage their own expenses and cater to their dietary preferences and all these issues might be resolved.

Challenges Faced by Principals:

Principals undoubtedly face significant challenges in securing food items, often resorting to borrowing due to delays in the government’s release of the feeding component.

CHECK OUT: Proposals from PRINCOF To Government on Trainees’ Feeding Component

Why not cancel it to relieve principals of this burden? They can focus on their core responsibilities and experience peace of mind.

Prices of goods and services are rising each day which poses a challenge to buying of food items but the allowance remains the same, why not save them the peace?

Considering the Tertiary Education Status:

If the tutors in colleges of education are demanding to be treated as their colleagues in traditional universities, then it is only fair to afford the same treatment to their students.

ALSO SEE: PRINCOF Announces Refund of Feeding Fees to Level 400 Students for the STS Macro Teaching Period.

By empowering trainees to handle their food arrangements, they can develop a sense of responsibility and independence, aligning with the principles of higher education.

Intensifying Canteen Services:

Again, it will be beneficial to rather intensify canteen services in the colleges of education.

This approach would provide alternative dining options for trainees, ensuring they have access to suitable meals.

Moreover, cooks currently employed in the dining halls could transition to these canteens, ensuring their employment is not affected.

Government and College Management’s Role:

To avoid any unforeseen incidents and address the concerns expressed by trainees, it is imperative that the government and college management step up to meet their expectations.

SEE THIS: Take Note of this if You Have Still Not Received Your Allowance.

Whether by cancelling the dining service and granting trainees autonomy over their food expenses or by enhancing canteen services on campus, it is high time colleges of education reevaluate their dining arrangements.


These are my humble opinions rooted in the desire for positive change and the overall well-being of colleges of education.

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