In an official communication from the National Teaching Council, an update has been announced regarding the Teacher Portal Ghana (TPG) platform.
The main objective of this update is to effectively incorporate Professional Learning Communities into the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) point system on the portal.
Outlined in the update are several key points that necessitate action from various educational authorities:
1. The SBI and DBI on the TPG platform will be changed to PLCs (Professional Learning Communities). Similarly, the CBI will be changed to National Continuous Professional Day, which will be organized once every three months.
2. Heads of Second Cycle Institutions are now required to have active teacher accounts on the TPG platform in order to allocate PLC points. Any Senior High School (SHS) heads who do not currently have active teacher accounts should visit https://tpg.ntc.gov.gh/account/register to sign up as teachers.
3. Heads of Second Cycle Institutions who have active accounts on the portal but are not account holders should visit for setup.
4. District Directors have been instructed to ensure that all basic schools are assigned with account holders on the TPG platform.
SEE ALSO: GTLE: NTC Opens Re-sit Registration Portal for Diploma Holders
5. District Directors who have not yet registered on the TPG platform should provide their details via for setup.
6. In-Service Education and Training (INSETs) will now be replaced with PLCs. Therefore, all ongoing INSET records will be changed to PLCs on the TPG platform.
7. Account holders will need to process PLC records every week in order for teachers to receive their points.
8. PLC points allocation deadlines will be extended after the update to allow account holders sufficient time to allocate points for their teachers.
SEE ALSO: Ghana among the Countries with Standard Teaching License System – NTC
9. Teachers should be aware that they will need to wait until 10th May 2024 to see their points on their dashboard due to the update.
The NTC has urged all Regional Directors, District Directors, and Heads of Pre-tertiary Institutions to disseminate this information to their respective staff.