In a collaborative effort to bolster staff development, the Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT) and Takoradi Technical University (TTU) have joined forces with Holy Child College of Education (HCCE).
The meeting, held on Thursday 17th October 2024, was led by Prof. Wendy Setlalentoa, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Central University of Technology, and Prof. Mrs. Maame Efua Nkrumah, Director of DRID at Takoradi Technical University.
These delegations engaged in fruitful discussions with HCCE’s leadership, including the college’s Principal, Dr. Francis Hull Adams.
The conversations centered on opportunities for academic advancement and international exposure for HCCE staff, facilitating a productive exchange of ideas on education and training.
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The collaborative meeting featured presentations that highlighted a variety of development opportunities, further strengthening the ties between the institutions.
Key participants included Prof. W. Setlalentoa – Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (CUT), Prof. G. Schlebusch (CUT), Dr. L. Matlho (CUT), Prof. Mrs. Maame Efua – Director of DRID (TTU), Prof. J. A. Addor – Deputy Director of DRID (TTU), Dr. F. H. Adams – Principal (HCCE), Mr G. A. Mbawini – Finance Officer (HCCE), Mr S. K. Wurah – P.R.O. & Acting Secretary (HCCE), Madam. G. Nketsiah – HoD VOTEC (HCCE) and Mr. H. Bipembi – Assessment Officer & Head, ICT Unit (HCCE).
The partnership aims to equip HCCE staff with the necessary tools for career advancement while simultaneously contributing to the overall development of the higher education sector.