Women are complex creatures, and what they want in a man might seem vague to some. However, some men think they can attract women by being nice. But, as it turns out, just being nice isn’t always enough.
A lot of men out there who consider themselves “nice” get confused when they keep getting dumped. Below are six reasons why women dump nice guys and what they can do to improve themselves.
Nice guys never look real to them: Being kind and helpful to women is great, but if a man goes out of the way to please women, it becomes uninteresting. When a man tries too hard to be nice, it seems like he is being fake.
Moreover, many men who claim to be “nice” may have ulterior motives; behind their gestures of kindness is an expectation of receiving something in return, which makes it all phony.
Therefore, being genuinely nice is the key. A man should not force himself to do things just to please a woman. Rather, he should remain true to himself and not do things that are against his principles.
Nice guys are boring: A lot of the time, nice guys are predictable and dull. They don’t challenge women to try new things or have exciting adventures. On the other hand, bad boys are thrilling, have spontaneity, are adventurous, go out of their comfort zone and give women a different type of experience.
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It’s crucial not to be too safe. Men should have a bit of thrill and excitement in their lives, so they keep things interesting and fresh.
Nice guys aren’t every girl’s crush: Most women love to have men who other women are crushing on. Men who are chased by other women, men who have options. Nice men, however, live in scarcity while the female nature works differently; women want a man that other women admire. It’s sort of like a snowball effect.
As much as it is crucial to be liked by women, it’s more important to stay true to oneself. Men should value themselves and not depend on other people’s opinions.
Nice guys don’t go straight to the point: Many nice guys find it hard to express themselves; they end up not knowing what they want. But bad guys are different, even if he does not want a love relationship, perhaps he wants sex; he’d say it confidently. Bad guys are intentional.
Therefore, every man needs to find his voice and not shy away from expressing his desires. It’s essential to communicate honestly and directly rather than beating around the bush.
Nice guys are stalkers, too clingy: Most women love attention. However, when nice men go above and beyond to give women attention, it’s a turn-off. Bad guys know how to play the game; they know when to give women their space. Women like attention, just not too much of it. Men should know how to balance their time and attention and not be too available.
Nice guys are weak: A woman wants a man in his masculine frame, a man who can lead her, a man who has a mind of his own and can make firm decisions and stand on them. A man who will not change his mind just because he’s trying to please her and look perfect.
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So, men should know that while being nice is good, being soft and constantly changing to fit women’s wants and needs is not what women want. A true man should remain steadfast and resolute in his beliefs and not change himself to impress another person.
In conclusion, being nice is not enough to keep a woman interested. Men need to find the balance between being charming and being a kind and valuable person. Women want men who are confident in themselves, have a sense of purpose, and aren’t afraid to show who they truly are. By following these suggestions, men can create a stable and fulfilling relationship.