Be careful what you say and protect your life. A careless talker destroys himself. Proverbs 13:3 GNT
It is always possible to make it and live happily when you discover the real you and the kind of things you are impregnated with.
Majority don’t know who they are and as such leaves themselves to time and chances which shouldn’t be the case! We must decide what must happen in our lives because God has given us the power to do so.
Demons have no right to touch our lives. We are responsible for our living. look at how Jesus framed this when He was talking to the disciples. He said,
“And so I tell all of you: what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. Matthew 18:18GNT
Did you see that? It’s very powerful! Which means, A child born of God needs to make His own life through the power God has ordained Him/her with. The devil can’t interfere because you have the Power to decide what must happen to you and vice versa. But many are living in ignorance. They wait for things to happen to them instead of them calling them to happen. Many move by statements like, “God will make it, God’s time is the best and stuffs”.. But the Good news is, God has finished with everything for you, He is waiting for you to call them into manifestations. He needs you to call them and not for “them” to happen to you unaware!
Let me take you back to the beginning of Creation. When God wanted to create the light, God didn’t sat down for the light to appear by ” itself”, He did something. And what was That? Look at it here,
Then God commanded, “Let there be light — and light appeared. Genesis 1:3GNT .
Look at that! The Bible said, God commanded! God didn’t allow the light to appear by chance. He called “it” by Himself. And the Bible makes it clear that God, has created us In His image! And if that’s the case, we are to call out things which must happen to us! O yeah! Don’t wish for things to get better this month, make and command them to be better by yourself. Don’t wait for a breakthrough or an open door, command it now and go through them. You are a power house and the host of heaven has endorsed you to demonstrate it. Hallelujah
Again, when God wanted to create the universe, He used a special tool. What’s the tool and how can we use it wisely? Let’s finds out tomorrow…
Further reading
I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me. Philippians 4:13
I am loaded with the Power from above to regulate things that must happen to me, in Jesus name. Amen
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