Implementation Of NOPV2 for cVDPV2 Outbreak Response Campaign Launched For Shama District


Ghana alongside its neighbors has had challenges with vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) outbreaks in the recent past.

The Vaccine derived polioviruses result when there is low vaccination coverage/under vaccination of children over long periods in any part of the world coupled with poor sanitation

In this respect, the Shama District Heath Directorate on 1st September 2022 launched a polio vaccination campaign against the outbreak of the disease.

The event held at the Conference Hall of the Ghana Education Service, Shama, was to create awareness and unveil the vaccine which would be used to prevent the spread of the virus in high-risk among children under five years in the district.

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Dignitaries who graced the event include; The District Director of Health Services – Mrs. Judith Naa Deide, The District Chief Executive for Shama- Honorable Ebenezer Dadzie, The District Coordinating Director – Mr. Richard Glevie, Assemblymen, The Presiding Member- Mr. Mark Ackon, Department Heads within the district, and other stakeholders.

Welcome Address

In her welcome address, The District Director of Health Services, Madam Judith Naa Deide Okine lauded all the stakeholders for unveiling themselves to the program. Adding that, it’s a sign of how they love and care for the health and future of the children in the district.

Mrs. Judith Naa Deide okine further affirmed what necessitates the launch of the campaign In the district.

She asserted the polio outbreak response campaign is a result of the health sector confirming three events of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) between July and August this year.

Elucidating that, two of the samples testing positive for cVDPV2 were from the environmental surveillance: one each from Koblimagu in Tamale Metropolis (Northern Region) and Agbogbloshie in Accra Metropolis (Greater Accra Region).

“The third was isolated and confirmed in a sample from a 2-year 9-month old girl in Chereponi District (North East Region) who developed Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in July this year,” Mrs. Okine expressed.

However, she made it known the vaccination was free of charge

“I wish to assure you that the vaccine is safe, effective, and free of charge. Therefore, I do encourage all parents and caregivers to ensure their children under 5 years of age are vaccinated during these exercises”. Mrs. Deide Okine declared.


The District Health Promotion Officer, Madam Abiba Abdul Rashid, in her presentation opined that the virus is malignant and can cause paralysis and sometimes death, hence the need for the campaign in the district.

She educated the stakeholders on the safety of the vaccine. Augmenting that the vaccine is safe and effective to prevent type2 polio, and as well protect children in the district from the lethal virus.

Mrs. Abiba Abdul Rashid moreover accentuated the objectives of the program noting it’s;

  1. To immunize every child under 5 years in all 16 regions by October 2022 across the country
  2. To reach every caregiver with a child under 5 years with messages on polio immunization
  3. To motivate caregivers and stakeholders to actively participate in the campaign
  4. To increase and sustain demand for health services provided by child welfare clinics (CWC)
  5. To stop transmission of cVDPV2
  6. Raise population immunity against poliovirus type 2 and breathe k transmission of cVDPV2
  7. To Strengthen surveillance of polio disease
  8. To Prevent further polio outbreaks in the country

In extension, Mrs. Abdul Rashid outlined the strategies adopted by the directorate to reach all children.

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“Health workers, Social Mobilizers, and volunteers will move from house to house, markets, lorry stations, churches, and mosques to vaccinate all eligible children under 5 years”, she stated.

“Information will also be shared through the Community Information Centers(CIC), the use of the mobile vans, megaphones at the market centers, and the media”, Abiba augmented

At climaxing of her presentation, she took turns and answered questions from the stakeholders, and systematically addressed their concerns raised.

Adding his voice, Honorable Ebenezer Dadzie said it is very prudent for children in the shama District to be vaccinated against polio.

With juxtapositions, the DCE said it’s evidentiary the disease can kill or cripple infected persons for life.

He further admonished stakeholders present to uphold and support the campaign by the directorate.

Honorable Ebenezer Dadzie and Mr. Mark Ackon had the opportunity to immunize two children to commence the launching of the campaign in the district.

The District Coordinating Director together with the DCE moved to Aboadze and Bentil to help enhance Community participation.

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