National Service Scheme Pays February Allowance to Service Personnel


The National Service Scheme has disbursed the February allowance to its service personnel.

This timely payment will undoubtedly come as a great relief to many service personnel who rely on this income to meet their basic needs.

According to the NSS, service personnel are kindly urged to get their e-zwich card and visit their banks or agents to load and withdraw their allowance promptly.

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However, despite the prompt payment, some individuals may not see their payment status updated on the dashboard, misleading them into thinking that their payment was not processed.

Therefore, service personnel are advised to visit their bank and confirm the payment status.

It is also essential to note that individuals must withdraw their money from the same bank where they registered their e-zwich card to avoid excessive bank charges.

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The payment of the monthly allowance is a crucial part of the NSS service that aims to support the welfare of service personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that payments get to the rightful beneficiaries without any hitches.

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