Komenda College Of Education Calls Back Twelve (12) Pioneers Of The First Batch of the Four-Year Bachelor of Education Programme To Do Their National Service In The College


The Management of Komenda College of Education has called twelve (12) of the Pioneers of the First Batch of the Four years Bachelor of Education Programme who completed their last semester on Friday, October 28, 2022, to serve the college for a year as the laws of the Nation demand.

That is, Ghanaian students who graduate from accredited tertiary institutions are required under the law to do a one-year national service to the country.

When it comes to National Service, graduates from the Colleges of Education are mostly ‘posted’ to the Basic schools to render their services, and this year was no exception.

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However, the Management of Komenda College of Education worked closely with the National Service Scheme Secretariat and ensured twelve of their students were ‘posted’ to the college to have their service.

This has been the first time in the history of the College for immediate past students to be called ‘to do their service’ in the college.

Speaking to Coleman Publications on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, the Quality Assurance Officer, Mr Prince Kwamena Eghan elucidated they are in to serve as Teaching Assistances (T.A) and help in other sectors as well for the advancement of the College.

Adding that their presence will help motivate and inspire the continuing students to give their best in their academics.

“They are in to give back to the college, which is the ultimate. However, they will also serve as role models to the current students. This will motivate them (continuing students) to learn hard, knowing well they would be called to have their National Service here.” he posited.

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Another motive pinpointed by him was to inculcate in them the requisite skills which will enable them to be able to teach at any tertiary institution after their ‘Masters’ as well as fit in any environment they would find themselves in shortly.

Orientation Service

Together with other four (4) personnel from the other Universities, the College Management held a day orientation service for them. The orientation held on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, was on a series of topics including time management, channels of communication in the college, Positive relations with students and fellow workers and the duties they are obliged to execute within the allotted time frame.

The Principal, Very Reverend Kwesi Nkum Wilson (PhD) and the Vice Principal, Mr Theouplius Kweku Bassaw educated them on time management and the ‘dos and don’ts’ of the national service personnel in the college respectively.

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The Quality Assurance Officer, Mr Prince Kwamena Eghan outlined vividly the channel of communication in the college, with the College Chaplain, Reverend Wilson Kortey Kotei imbibing in them how to relate positively with students and fellow workers.

They were also enlightened on the merits that await them after their service if they capitalize on the tuition and the education they will receive during their service and further their education.

Dr Kwesi Nkum Wilson made it known that his target and prayer is to have at least some of them become tutors for the college as soon as possible.

Read also: Komenda College of Education 75th Anniversary Celebration, Check Date & Activities

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