Heartbreaking: Mother Abandons Newborn Baby at Pastor’s Doorstep with Heartfelt Note


In a shocking and deeply saddening incident, an anonymous mother chose to abandon her day-old baby girl at the doorstep of a pastor’s residence.

Accompanied by a note, the mother desperately pleaded with whoever discovered the infant to care for her as their child.

The distressing discovery took place on Sunday, July 16, 2023, at the Ahodwo suburb of Kpong in the Lower Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region.

The resident pastor of the New Covenant Apostolic church found the helpless baby, wrapped in blankets, with a note that revealed she had been delivered the previous day, Saturday, July 15.

Expressing immense remorse for her actions, the mother revealed in the note that she felt compelled to abandon her newborn due to the belief that it was the only way to give her a chance at survival.

The note conveyed that by the time the abandoned child would be found, the mother herself would no longer be alive, leaving behind an agonizing mystery regarding her fate.

The heart-wrenching words penned by the mother read as follows:

“By the time you will finish reading this letter, I will be dead and gone, please take care of this baby as your child. Please, I regret doing this, but that is the only way this baby can have a chance to live. Please, she was born just yesterday night. Please take care of her. I’m sorry; please forgive me. God bless you.”

The discovery of the abandoned baby, coupled with the emotional note, has sent shockwaves through the entire community, leaving them overwhelmed with sadness and compassion for both the baby and her mother.

Authorities at the Kpong Police Station have commenced an investigation into this heartbreaking incident, aiming to uncover the circumstances that led to such a drastic decision.

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