Engaging in sexual intercourse with someone you are courting indicates lack of true love for that individual – Reverend Shadrack Kyei

Resident Pastor of Perez Chapel International in Gomoa Ojobi and hosts the popular programs Jabez Hour and Hour of Deliverance on Precious Television and Amansan Television respectively, Reverend Shadrack Kyei
Resident Pastor of Perez Chapel International in Gomoa Ojobi and hosts the popular programs Jabez Hour and Hour of Deliverance on Precious Television and Amansan Television respectively, Reverend Shadrack Kyei

In the realm of relationships and courtship, there are often blurred lines and conflicting ideologies surrounding the topic of sex.

Reverend Shadrack Kyei, who serves as the resident pastor of Perez Chapel International in Gomoa Ojobi and also hosts the popular programs Jabez Hour and Hour of Deliverance on Precious Television and Amansan Television respectively, has shed light on the detrimental effects of someone engaging in immoral sexual relations before marriage.

In a thought-provoking discourse titled “Sexual Purity Is Possible,” delivered at the Sexual Purity and Empowerment summit organized by the Ghana Methodist Students’ Union of Komenda College of Education, in collaboration with the Scripture Union on July 29, 2023 at the College’s Complex Hall, Rev. Kyei emphasized that indulging in sex before marriage is not only immoral but also detrimental to lives and relationships

According to Rev. Kyei, the first sign that someone does not genuinely love their partner is when they insist on engaging in sexual activities before marriage.

He firmly believes that pre-marital sex is morally wrong and stands as an obstacle to personal growth and true intimacy within a relationship.

In his words, “If you truly love someone, why not wait and experience the full blessings that God has in store for both of you?”

Check Out: 13 Signs You Are Wasting Your Time In A Relationship.

Reverend Kyei also debunked various misconceptions surrounding pre-marital sex through the lens of both scripture and personal experiences.

He stressed that indulging in sexual immorality simply for the purpose of fulfilling desires jeopardizes not only a person’s relationship with God but also their chances of a stable and fulfilling union.

Rev. Kyei warned that even if one’s intended partner is the chosen individual by God, engaging in sexual intercourse prematurely opens the door for the devil to interfere and potentially devastate the relationship.

“Sexual Immorality is not okay,” Rev. Kyei asserted.

He emphasized that one must be cautious of the devil’s schemes and not succumb to his deceptive tactics.

Highlighting the dire consequences that await those who disregard the principles of sexual purity, the revered minister called upon fellow ministers to exercise caution and discernment. He urged them not to be swayed by the misconception that engaging in such immorality is harmless, emphasizing that the absence of immediate consequences does not signify its acceptability in the eyes of God.

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Instead, he suggests that it is due to God’s mercy that individuals are spared the immediate repercussions of their actions, but warns that a day of judgment will eventually come.

In his passionate address to the students in attendance, Rev. Kyei encouraged them to embrace sexual purity, assuring them that it is indeed an achievable goal.

He implored the youth not to be deceived by societal pressures and false ideologies, reiterating that sexual purity paves the way for God’s blessings to permeate one’s life swiftly and abundantly.

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Following his enlightening message, Rev. Kyei enthusiastically invited students to ask questions, seek clarifications, and engage in open discussions.

Eager to provide guidance and deepen their understanding on the topic, he diligently answered each inquiry, offering profound insights backed by scripture and personal revelations.

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