You Couldn’t Gain Admission? Read this


The fact that you couldn’t gain admission doesn’t mean it’s over for you! The fact that you couldn’t gain admission doesn’t mean you are finished!

Yes! we are much aware you weren’t offered admission and that doesn’t mean you should get discouraged!

Stop crying and wipe out your tears! Don’t give up and don’t surrender! Keep pushing and keep pressing on, one day it will be your turn! One day and very soon you will know why it all happened!

Sit down and better your grades if you think you had a problem with any of your papers!

Don’t waste your life by giving up on yourself! REMEMBER GOD HAS NOT GIVEN UP ON YOU!

Keep in mind the words of Solomon;

"For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again" … Proverbs 24:16a

The fact that you applied this year and weren’t offered admission doesn’t mean it’s over! Do the needful and re-apply next year!

We have people who have applied for almost 4 years and weren’t admitted. It was in their 5th year of application that they had it!

Don’t give up! Better yourself and come back stronger! Better yourself and stand out!

His Grace will surely locate you in His season and Time! Don’t harm yourself sake of not gaining admission! Look forward and lift your head!

You are not a loser and you will never be a loser until you decide to be a loser! Better days are ahead!

And to you who have been offered admission, congratulations! But don’t and never think you are better than your colleagues who weren’t offered admission! Be thankful to God and appreciate Him for his Grace. Remain humble and ask Him to guide you for the new Journey you are about to embark on!

Don’t be braggadocious because your first impression on campus will speak volumes of you and the real you.

Hard work, Humility, Service, and obedience should be your Hallmark. May we All be Great.

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2 years ago

Pls what about Abetico

2 years ago
Reply to  Okyere

Very sympathizing and educative.Thank you so much for the post.Some of us have As and Bs but weren’t offered admission.We’re going to stay in the house for so many months before another turn reaches.I personally have decided to switch to university rather than experiencing same thing next time whiles others with relatively low grades are chosen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Okyere

Very sympathizing and educative.Thank you so much for the post.Some of us have As and Bs but weren’t offered admission.We’re going to stay in the house for so many months before another turn reaches.I personally have decided to switch to university rather than experiencing same thing next time whiles others with relatively low grades are chosen.

Nathaniel Paintsil
Nathaniel Paintsil
2 years ago

Aaaaaawww, God 😭😭😭😭😭😭,hhmm. It’s well with all of us who couldn’t gain admission. One thing I know is “ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD FOR THOSE WHO TRUST IN THE LORD”. Let’s not discourage ourselves at all. Our time will come. We will get to know y we couldn’t gain but it’s painful 😭💔💔😭😭. Please,if the principal of my first choice come to see this,please add my name to the second or the third list wae🙏🙏🙏.
Name: Nathaniel Paintsil
Application number:2201076
Program: Primary Education.

2 years ago

Awwww very educative in life everything works according to the right time I applied for several years before getting admission everything bi time and everything happens for a reason stay safe and bounce back to y’all who couldn’t get admission and congratulations 🎉 to those who had
May we all be great 🤲🏾🙏🏿