Komenda College of Education set to boost Crop production; Procures A Multi-Task Tractor


Komenda College of Education had taken delivery of a multi-purpose tractor to boost its farming activities.

The tractor which was procured by the College from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture was delivered to the College on Wednesday, 3rd August 2022 at the forecourt of the Principal’s bungalow.

According to the Principal, Very Reverend Kwesi Nkum Wilson(PhD), the procurement of the tractor is to aid boosts the production of cereals for the college.

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“We have vast land, we want to expand the production of food to feed ourselves, food prices are on the rise and as a college, we cannot continue buying whereas we can produce some.

This tractor will aid the college to produce more to feed ourselves and possibly the community at large”, he stated.

Dr. Wilson added that the farm implement which came with parts such as a maize sheller, mechanical planter, 3-Disc plough, rotovator with P.T.O shaft, and many more will as well be made available to students reading agriculture at the college.

This, he believes will enable them to be trained in the operation of a range of machinery in the agricultural sector.

Speaking with Coleman Publications, Mr. Bentil, a member of the farming committee, asserted that the arrival of the tractor will help a lot with their farming activities.

” We have been waiting for this for quite a long, we are glad the college has finally procured one. We will now expand our activities to produce more”, he concluded.

The Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Richard Aboagye Andam during the dedication service of the implement on August 4, admonished the students present about the necessity to take agricultural studies serious. He also urge the workers to take good care of the implement.

Meanwhile, the science of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising livestock has become a focal study area that is gaining more attention at the College.

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This began after the Planting for Food and Jobs” (PFJ) flagship agricultural Campaign was launched by His Excellency President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in April 2017.

Since then, the College Under the surveillance of Very Reverend Dr. Kwesi Nkum Wilson has empowered and put resources together to make the Teaching and Learning of Agricultural in the College more practical and oriented.

Currently, the College has adopted piggery production to shore up the Internally Generated Funds (IGF) to support its administration.

Also, Komenda college has started growing flowers to attract bees to its beehives to produce high-quality natural commercial honey for local and international consumption.

Over 3000 coconut seedlings had been planted already by the college.

READ: Komenda College’s Teaching and Research Farm Unit Harvests 24.5 Maxi-Bags of Maize, Set to Expand Operations

All these initiatives form part of a multifaceted innovative home-grown solution and strategies to maintain the college as Ghana’s foremost teacher training Centre of excellence.

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