Uncertainty Looms Over Third-Year Teacher Trainees’ End-of-Semester Examination amid CETAG Strike


The ongoing strike by the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) since August 1, 2023, has posed a major concern for third-year teacher trainees.

As the end of their first semester approaches, they are now questioning whether they will be able to sit for their scheduled examinations, which were supposed to commence on August 14, 2023.

As of now, there has been no official communication regarding the fate of the aforementioned examination. Consequently, trainees are currently in a state of uncertainty.

Read also: [JUST IN]: Urgent Notice to Teacher Trainees on Supported Teaching in School (STS).

Despite this uncertainty, they are advised to continue preparing for the exams in line with the original schedule.

It is worth noting that the academic calendar for the 2022/2023 academic year was carefully crafted to minimize any gaps in the schedule.

Check Out: Institute of Education, UCC Releases End of First Semester Examination Time Table for Third Year Students in Affiliated Colleges of Education.

Any disruption, such as the ongoing CETAG strike, threatens to disrupt the entire calendar, causing additional challenges for both teachers and trainees alike.

Thus, it is crucial for the government to address CETAG’s demands promptly in order to avert any unforeseen circumstances.

See also: “Urgently Engage Relevant Stakeholders to Fulfill the Relief Specified by the NLC and FWSC for CETAG” – TTAG to Government
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