Current Happenings At Some Colleges of Education


The issues of the colleges of Education in Ghana have become one of the current top-notch issues being discussed by the media.

Level 300’s and level 400’s of colleges of education reported on the 4th of September of this year with the third year’s commencing a fresh semester and the final year students completing the second phase of their final semester in school.

But it seems no academic activities are cited as taking off ever since they reported. Students are left stranded in the schools gallivanting without, especially, third years provided with learning materials due to the current CETAG and PRINCOF brouhaha.

CETAG is to embark on 28 days of leave which will predominantly go against the academic calendar of the colleges of education. During the 28- days leave, no lecturer will be seen teaching. And here is the case the first part of the academic calendar is slighted to last for six(6) weeks, already two(2) weeks are almost gone without academic work.

The awful part of all is that students without full payment of fees are denied access to a room and dining hall food in some colleges.

Most of these colleges of education students fend for themselves which makes it so tedious for them to settle their arrears with the little they came with.

Some understand they cannot receive their certificates after completion without making full payment but hopefully, all arrears will be settled.

This predicament has inculcated fear and panic in most of the continuing students to report since they have not made full payment yet.

Some students who spoke with Coleman Publications believe this situation can quickly be attended to or negotiations can be made for the heads of the colleges of education to at least demand about 85% of the fees and allow them to pay the 15% at a given time.

They believe in doing this, they can smoothly have the joy to return to school.

However, the Management of the various colleges of education is also asserting that the chuck of the students are owing fees and if no intensive measures are put in place, they cannot run the colleges.

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