The Agriculture Unit Of Komenda College of Education Embarks on Carrot Planting


The science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock has become one of the focal study area that is gaining more attention at Komenda College of Education.

This began after the Planting for Food and Jobs” (PFJ) flagship agricultural Campaign was launched by His Excellency President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in April, 2017.

Since then, the College under the leadership of Very Reverend Dr. Kwesi Nkum Wilson, The Principal, has empowered and put resources together to make the Teaching and Learning of Home Economics and Agricultural Studies in the College practical oriented.

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The College in March 2021, adopted piggery production to shore up Internally Generated Funds (IGF), to support the administration of the College. This project is currently doing well.

On Thursday, 28th April, 2022, The Agriculture Unit under the TVET Department has embarked on another project; “planting of Carrots”.

Speaking With Coleman publications, The Unit Head, Mr. Patrick Bentil Ogoe said, ” it’s a raining seasoning and every raining season is a planting season. And as part of instilling and imbibing in learners the love for agriculture, we are practically teaching learners how to plant and reap bountifully. This will go along way to help the learners, the college and the country”

The college is as well blessed with a vast land, hence using these practicals to cultivate and cover areas that need to be covered with ‘edible plants’, he added.

READ: TVET Students in Komenda College of education receive two days of practical training in Tractor Operations

During the carrot planting process, the learners were practically taught how to make seedbeds, nursing of seeds and how to transplant seedlings to their seedbeds in addition.

The Level 300 B.Ed Home Economics and Agric learners who were involved in these activities expressed their satisfactions and gratitude to the Unit for always practically orienting them on their areas of specializations.

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