Teacher Trainees Call on Students Loan Trust Fund to Avoid False Notifications


Some teacher trainees have expressed their grievances towards the Students Loan Trust Fund regarding the disbursement of their allowances.

Trainees have reported receiving false notifications via text messages instructing them to go to the bank for the payment of their stipend, only to be met with no funds available when they reach the bank.

This issue has caused a lot of distress and inconvenience, particularly for those who travel from a distance to receive their allowances.

According to them, the Students Loan Trust Fund must take notice of this inconvenience and work swiftly on their disbursement mechanisms to avoid such occurrences.

Stating that they expect the SLTF to be diligent in verifying the status of funds before communicating with them to visit the bank.

“False notifications for payments only increase the burden on trainees who are already grappling with financial difficulties”, one expressed.

“It is no doubt the Students Loan Trust Fund needs to take appropriate measures to avoid false notifications being sent out to trainees while working towards the timely payment of their stipends”, another Stated.

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