Students’ Leadership (SRC) Portfolios and Their Job Descriptions


The Students’ Representative Council(SRC) is the highest student leadership group in any tertiary institution.

They are the only legitimate representative organ of the student body, and it is the only recognized mouthpiece of the students.

Their main purpose is to champion the cause of students and liaise between the student body, the college administration, and those outside the school community.

READ: Police Clash with Students of Jasikan College of Education: SRC President Slapped and Arrested

Other aims of the Students’ Representative Council are;
  1. Seeking the general welfare of the students and advice about such matters concerning students’ welfare.
  2. Working in all deliberations and in close harmony, with the authorities of the college in all matters affecting the interests of the students.
  3. Sometimes organize lectures, symposia, debates, voluntary work, and other social activities in the interest of the students

Komenda College of Education is one of the colleges in the Country which has a vibrant Students Leadership.

They ensure a harmonious operation with the Management of the School and ensure pertinent matters are addressed and tackled with the Student Body in mind.

The leadership as well embarks on developmental projects, activities, and initiations that benefit the entire student body.

Below are the various Students’ Portfolio at the college with some of their job descriptions;

The President(O.P)

At Komeda College of Education, the President’s position is strictly for a Methodist.

The President is the leader and chief spokesperson of the student body in all matters coming under his jurisdiction.

He is responsible to preside over meetings of the general student body (forum), SRC meetings, and the Executive Council.

The President can call for an emergency meeting when the need arises.

His authority can be extended to the execution of and adherence to all provisions concerning the functions of the SRC.

Vice President(OPWA)

In the absence of the president or his inability to act, his duties are devolved upon the Vice-President.

The Vice President liaises between the Halls of Residence and the Executive Council. He is also in charge of the general supervision of students’ activities by coordinating the works of the SRC.

The VP sometimes acts as an ex-officio member of all committees of the SRC, except independent committees.

Most importantly, he performs other functions as may be assigned to him by the President or by the SRC.

General Secretary

The secretary is under the direction of the President, summons the Executive Council, and any general meeting stating the agenda.

He is also responsible to read and keep the minutes of all Executive Council meetings and take note of all general student body meetings (forum).

At such meetings, the secretary in consultation with the Executive Council handles all general correspondence.

The Secretary is responsible for the day-to-day running of the SRC office and has custody of all the documents of the SRC.

Financial Secretary

The FS has custody of all SRC cheques and cashbooks and keeps all monies in the bank.

He, together with the Treasurer is responsible for all financial accounts of the SRC. He keeps true records of all financial transactions and assets of the SRC.

He as well presents all receipts; preferably VAT receipts and other generally approved receipts for scrutinizing during auditing.


The most important duty of the treasurer is to be a good custodian of the SRC’s money.

He is to have up-to-date knowledge of how much money the SRC has.

In summary, the Treasurer is responsible for General financial oversight, Funding, fundraising, and sales as well as Financial planning and budgeting

Public Relations Officer

The PRO is in charge of all press releases of the SRC.

All notices and advertisements on the SRC notice boards pass through him before being displayed. He is the liaison officer between the SRC and Management.

He is also the chairman of the editorial board of the ‘SRC newsletter’.

Women’s Commissioner

The women’s commissioner promotes the interest and rights of women on campus.

She encourages the active participation of female students in leadership positions and inculcates in the female students a sense of inclusion, solidarity, and active participation in activities on campus.

The WOCOM create a link between female students on campus and women’s group to share ideas and strategies on related issues.

She also performs any other function assigned to her by the SRC.

Entertainment Perfect

The Entertainment prefect organizes and coordinates all entertainment activities of the SRC.

He is also responsible for the formation of the SRC Week Planning Committee.

He is the sole person responsible for presenting the report on the state of entertainment activities of students.

Hall Prefects

They investigate cases relating to students’ welfare, boarding and lodging problems, laundry, health and sanitation services, financial problems, etc, and report their findings to the SRC Council and their Hall Wardens for necessary actions to be taken.

In summary, they are responsible for the health and sanitation of students and develop strategies to curb pertinent sanitation problems in their Halls of Residence.

Sports Prefects

They liaise between the sports committee and the Executive Council. They together with H.O.D for sports present financial estimates of the sports committee to the SRC. The Prefects in conjunction with the SRC organize sporting activities. They are the sole custodians of all sports kits and equipment.

Dining Hall Prefects

The dining hall prefects are responsible for general hygiene and cleanliness at the dining hall.

They help with the running of the school canteen and make sure that every student in the dining hall has something to fill his/her belly.

Academic Prefect

The Academic prefects play a key role in the academic life of the School, helping pupils achieve the most they can from education at college.

They collect students’ voices and feedback to the academic Leadership team of the School with comments and suggestions about how teaching and learning can further develop.

All things relating to academics lie in them.

READ ALSO: Profile of the Newly Elected KOMENCO SRC President (Ofie Panyin): His Journey, Impacts, Policies & Visions

Chapel Stewards

In a faith-based institution like Komenda College of Education, the Chapel Prefect is responsible for many aspects of the daily schedule.

They are responsible for worship gatherings and other major programs.

Compound Prefects

The compound prefects are responsible for general hygiene and cleanliness on campus.

Dispensary Prefects

The dispensary is responsible and works with the nurses at the infirmary to dispense medications, medical supplies, and in some cases even medical and other treatment.

Utility Prefects

The work of a utility prefect is to ensure that furniture, washroom, electrical gadget, and some of the properties in the school are well protected or not mishandled

Choir Master(CM)

Also known as the choral director, the choir director lead and direct the school choir during musical performances.

He is also responsible for scheduling choir rehearsals, selecting appropriate musical pieces, and managing annual choir budgets.

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