Reopening Dates for Colleges of Education Freshers and Prospective Level 200 Students


Information gathered by Coleman Publications indicates that the academic calendar for the 2022/2023 academic year is yet to be released by the various Universities to their affiliate colleges.

Due to that, the resumption date for the prospective level 200 students is yet to be released.

They are therefore urged to remain calm as any further development about the date would be communicated to them by Coleman Publications in due time.

Reopening Date For Prospective Level 100 students

Most colleges of education will admit their Freshers on 21st January whiles others on 30th January 2023(UEW affiliates)

Freshers are advised to stick to the date indicated on their admission letters.

Nevertheless, It should be noted that the New Academic Year (2022/2023) Starts On 30th January 2023.

The information at our disposal also discloses that Freshers would report with the Level 300 students across all the 46 colleges of Education

This also means the double-track system would still be in operation for the 2022/2023 academic year

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