The Principals of Colleges of Education(PRINCOF) has issued a release entreating all principals to recall their staff who decide to proceed on any unauthorized leave.
The missive came after the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) had issued a statement mandating its members to take a 28-day leave starting from 1st September.
The release by the PRINCOF reads;
The attention of the Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) has been drawn to a communiqué emanating from the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG), directing all teachers in Colleges of Education to proceed on leave with effect from September 1, 2022.
PRINCOF is amazed at this communiqué because the impression created is that CETAG has now become the employer of staff with the mandate to direct staff to go on leave without recourse to heads of the institutions where staff ply their trade.
The labor law of Ghana enjoins workers to proceed on annual leave, and the same labor law indicates that staff can have their leave interrupted to allow such a member of staff to undertake some work that might be critical. The Harmonised Conditions of Service for Colleges of Education, which you copiously referred to, also has this provision.
To this end, all Principals are entreated to recall all staff who decide to proceed on any unauthorized leave. If any tutor fails to resume work if recalled, it would be taken to mean that they have vacated the post and the appropriate sanctions would apply.
Yours truly,
Dr. Emmanuel Nyamekye
Cc; All Principals of Colleges of Education Executive Secretary, PRINCOF