The disbursement of the 2022/2023 academic year allowances for teacher trainees has been delayed due to various reasons.
As a result, many students are facing financial difficulties and anxiously waiting for the disbursement to be made.
In this article, we will discuss the reasons for the delay in the payment as disclosed by SLTF.
One of the main reasons for the delay is the new data uploading format. The Students Loan Trust Fund has confirmed that they have received the money to disburse to teacher trainees, but many liaison officers are yet to upload the updated and final lists of their students.
This has made it difficult for the Management to issue the disbursement as they cannot verify the eligibility of the students without the updated data.
Another reason for the delay is the unavailability of some students during the data collection process. Some students are even currently on break and are at home. They are unable to provide their rightful particulars to their liaison officers.
This has made the work of the liaison officers difficult, as they cannot complete the data collection process without accurate information.
However, despite these challenges, teacher trainees are urged to anticipate payments within the shortest possible time.
The Students Loan Trust Fund is working tirelessly to ensure that all eligible students receive their allowances.
Those whose data is captured by the system will receive their payment when the disbursement is made.