In a letter addressed to the CETAG President on september 3, 2023, PRINCOF provided an update regarding the implementation of the directives set forth by the National Labour Commission (NLC).
Expressing their gratitude, PRINCOF commended the President and his team on their efforts in successfully resolving the issues brought before the NLC on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.
The letter acknowledged the responsibilities assigned to both the employers (Ministry of Education, Fair Wages and Salaries Commission, PRINCOF, and Ghana Tertiary Education Commission) and CETAG by the NLC directives.
SEE ALSO: CETAG Calls Off Strike Following Majority Decision
Highlighting their commitment to comply with the directives, PRINCOF reported that they are currently in the process of implementing the mandatory 15-day leave policy for academic staff.
Furthermore, they are compiling the list of all-year-round work in 2022, which is to be submitted to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC).
PRINCOF expressed confidence in meeting the September 15 deadline specified by the NLC, stating that seventeen colleges have already submitted their respective lists.
Regarding the Staff Audit Report, PRINCOF informed CETAG that GTEC had released the report on 1st September, 2023, as directed by the NLC.
However, it should be noted that the Minister for Education will review the report and provide his input before it can be made available for thorough examination by all parties involved.
CHECK ALSO: PRINCOF Appeals To CETAG Members to Cease Strike and Return to The Classrooms.
PRINCOF urged patience and consideration, emphasizing the critical importance of the Minister’s input in this process.
Furthermore, PRINCOF addressed the issue of misinformation circulating among CETAG members, alleging that PRINCOF possessed the report but was unwilling to release it due to unfavorable aspects concerning their own members.
The PRINCOF President strongly refuted these claims, labeling them as completely untrue. PRINCOF urged those spreading such rumors to cease their dissemination immediately.
Given the significant progress made in the implementation process, PRINCOF reiterated their call to CETAG to respect the NLC directive and call off their strike action promptly.
ALSO READ: Here is the Latest Update on the Payment of Teacher Trainees’ Allowance.
Failure to do so may result in salary non-validation for PRINCOF members in September. The letter urged CETAG to consider the collective interest and welfare of all parties involved.
Ending the letter on a hopeful note, PRINCOF anticipated a positive response from CETAG and expressed their eagerness to see the teachers back in the classrooms within the week.