PRINCOF Unhappy With NTC’s Decision to Raise Teachers’ Licensure Exam Pass Mark

2023 Annual PRINCOF Conference held at Bolgatanga on Monday, November 27, 2023
2023 Annual PRINCOF Conference held at Bolgatanga on Monday, November 27, 2023

The National President of the Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education, Ghana (PRINCOF), Professor Samuel Awinkene Atintono, has raised concerns about the decision of the National Teaching Council (NTC) to raise the pass mark for the teachers licensure exams from 50% to 70%.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the annual PRINCOF Conference held in Bolgatanga on Monday, November 27, 2023, Professor Atintono commended the move towards professionalism in the exams by NTC but expressed discontent with the current 70% pass mark.

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Citing the high rate of failure among newly trained teachers, Professor Atintono urged the NTC to reconsider its decision to increase the pass mark.

He again emphasised the need for a thorough assessment and reconsideration of the decision from the teachers’ perspective.

In addition to their concerns about the licensure exams, PRINCOF also called for policy stability in the education sector.

They expressed that frequent changes in education policies greatly disrupt planning and implementation as well as lead to waste of resources.

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PRINCOF appealed to the various strategic stakeholders and policymakers in education for careful consideration when making decisions that will affect the future of the education system.

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