Teaching has indeed taken a new shape and form. The Right to play and the STS Unit of Komenda College of Education on 16th March, 2022 held a day workshop on play based methodology for primary schools Facilitators at the Kissi M/A and Kissi Islamic basic schools, all in the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem District.
The Right To Play has been working in Ghana since 2001. It initially partnered with the Ghana Health Service to support vaccination campaigns and health-focused sensitization events. Since that time, it have expanded its programs to address quality education, gender equality, and child protection needs across the country.

The Government of Ghana has also made major investment in education to transform Ghana into a “learning nation.” for instance, the Free compulsory basic education which was introduced in 1995.
This was done to enable Ghana to make significant progress on access and gender parity in pre-tertiary levels of education. However, children are not attaining expected learning outcomes due to an overly ambitious curriculum, a shortage of appropriate learning materials, and inadequate teacher training and coaching support.

So, In an effort to integrate play-based learning in pre-service teacher training, Right To Play is working in partnership with the University of Education, Winneba to create a centre of excellence that will link the university’s departments, teacher training colleges, and selected primary schools. These model schools will serve as practicum sites for student teachers and as research sites for further study of the effectiveness of play-based learning approaches.

And as a teacher training institution affiliated to the University of Education, Winneba, Komenda College of Education’s Right To Play Unit held this teacher training program which has been designed in alignment with the national curriculum to improve the teaching practice of pre-primary and primary school teachers in the Kissi M/A BASIC SCHOOL and the KISSI ISLAMIC SCHOOL.