New Vacation Date for Level 300 Teacher Trainees Announced


The vacation date for level 300 students in colleges of education affiliated to the University of Cape Coast (UCC) and the University of Ghana, Legon has been rescheduled from 24th November to 23rd December 2023.

This decision was made following a careful consideration by the authorities, who recognized the importance of providing level 300 students with ample opportunity to complete their coursework and maximize their contact hours with their tutors.

By extending the vacation period, students will now have the necessary time and resources to adequately prepare for their end-of-semester examinations.

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The Students Representative Council (SRC) Of Peki College of Education has already disseminated this updated information to their constituents.

Release by the SRC of Peki College of Education

This proactive approach by the SRC is to ensure that students are promptly informed about the revised vacation dates, allowing them to plan accordingly.

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Our news team is monitoring the situation closely to see if the other mentoring universities will follow suit.

We will not hesitate to share any updates with our readers, so be sure to follow us on our social media handle for prompt updates.

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