At the 26th General Assembly held by the Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana at Hohoe, The President, Mr. Jonathan Dzunu opined that the teacher licensure examinations introduced three(3) years ago should be made a component of the courses offered in the colleges.
He believes this will address the high failure rate.
“The National Teaching Standards and the National Curriculum Framework should be part of the colleges of education course structure since most student teachers do not know about the teaching standards and framework.
We think that, if student teachers are taken through the courses on the licensure examination thoroughly and are given much time to receive a form of practical training before sitting for the licensure examination, the high failure rate would
reduce drastically”, he asserted.
Available data indicates that 69% of the 128,493 candidates who have sat for the licensure exam within the last 3 years have passed.
The remaining percentage is at home even though they have graduated from college