Komenda College’s Teaching and Research Farm Unit Harvests 24.5 Maxi-Bags of Maize, Set to Expand Operations

Komenda College of Education has once again cemented its position as the leading institution in agriculture within the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem Municipality
Komenda College of Education has once again cemented its position as the leading institution in agriculture within the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem Municipality

The Teaching and Research Farm unit of Komenda College of Education has achieved an impressive milestone, having harvested twenty-four and a half maxi-bags of maize from their farm.

This accomplishment demonstrates the college’s commitment to excellence in agriculture and substantiates the recognition received as the best institution in agriculture within the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem Municipality at the recent Farmers Day awards.

Speaking to Coleman Publications, Mr Joseph Rockson Bentil, a member of the Teaching and Research Farm Committee, expressed his satisfaction with the harvest, although the quantity fell slightly short of their initial expectations.

SEE: Komenda College of Education adjudged Best Institution in Agriculture

He attributed this shortfall to the delayed onset of rain, which adversely affected nearly half of their planted crops. Despite this setback, Bentil emphasized that the harvested 24.5 bags of maize represent only a fraction of what the college aims to produce shortly.

To achieve this, he revealed that the college intends to expand its operations not only in maize farming but also in other areas such as its 39-acre coconut plantation, 6-acre Oil Palm Plantation and Piggery.

This expansion aligns with the vision of the college’s Principal, Reverend Kwesi Nkum Wilson(PhD), who aims for the college to become self-sufficient in terms of food production.

Bentil asserted, “We already have the land, so we are actively working on expanding our farms to ensure higher yields in the coming years.”

By cultivating their crops and utilizing their resources effectively, the college hopes to provide an adequate food supply for the students while also boosting their internally generated funds.

Mr. Bentil again emphasized that the college aims to purchase all produce from the farm to cater to the dietary needs of its students and bolster its financial resources.

SEE ALSO: Komenda College of Education Boasts of the Best Pork in Ghana

By doing so, the institution not only ensures a regular supply of nutritious food but also reduces dependence on external sources.

He acknowledged the rising prices of commodities and expressed concern that if appropriate measures are not taken, colleges may struggle to provide sufficient meals for their students.

Bentil commended the establishment of the Teaching and Research Farm Unit as one of the college’s finest initiatives, underlining the significance of its contribution to long-term sustainability.

He also expressed appreciation for the diligent efforts of the committee members who actively engage in farm activities and ensure their optimal condition.

“Their commitment ensures that the farms thrive and contribute positively to the college’s overall objectives”, he added.

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The future looks promising for Komenda College of Education as it continues to prioritize the growth and development of its agricultural programs.

With an unwavering commitment to excellence and a supportive community, the college is well-positioned to maintain its status as the premier institution for agricultural education in the country.

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