Here is the latest development regarding the resumption of the suspended CETAG’s Strike Action as release by the Ag. National Secretary this afternoon;
The President has informed the Council that he has called the Minister and his Director for Tertiary Education and they have given indication that by the close of work today Tuesday, 3rd January 2023, they will send to leadership a letter detailing what the Minister has done on our outstanding concerns.
Council members have given the Minister up to the close of the day to redeem his pledge failure of which an official notice of resumption of our suspended strike shall be released immediately.
I, therefore wish to entreat all of us to remain calm as the day is almost coming to an end so that if whatever we receive from the Minister does not address our outstanding issues as spelled out in the communique signed last two weeks, we resume the suspended strike immediately as leadership indicated to the public in our suspension notice on Saturday, 17th December 2022.
For now, let us all hold our guns down and wait for the day to end so that we roll out the next obvious action (resumption of strike) if our demands have not been met by the employer.
Thank you all for your solidarity and fighting spirit to ensure CETAG is given the needed recognition and conditions of service to enable us to train quality professionals and 21st-century teachers for mother Ghana.
Ag. National Secretary.