Shocking decision by CETAG despite Government’s directives


Per a letter received from the Minister of Education earlier, The Council of CETAG was to meet and deliberate on suspending their Strike in order to commence negotiations about their proposal sent to the government.

Information gathered by Coleman Publications on Saturday, 10th December 2022 reveals the leadership met and after in-depth deliberations, they decided to engage their grassroots members(Local Branches) and hand-over to them to decide whether they should call off the strike or not.

The local branches upon receiving the mandate decided to put it into voting.

With only St. Louise College of Education absent, 44 colleges of education voted for the strike to continue till all their demands are met, representing 97.78%.

Local Branches Voting Outcome

Methodist College of Education is the only college that supported the calling off of the strike for two weeks for negotiations to commence, representing 2.22% of the total votes cast.

Per the statistic above, it is clear CETAG is not calling off its Strike action Soon.

In an interaction with a “High Profile” as to why the majority decided not to heed to the directives from the Minister, he stated;

” if the government loves our work and wants to meet our demands, it can be done even if we are on strike. We have gotten to a stage we don’t trust politicians”

On the issue of some colleges writing their end-of-semester examination amidst the strike, he asserted it is a total betrayal by such Universities and he does not understand why ‘UTAG’ is on strike yet forcing college students to write their examinations.

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Emmanuel andoh
Emmanuel andoh
2 years ago

That’s all, politicians need not to be trusted and I accepts this statement

Per a Vote difference of One, CETAG Suspends Strike for Two weeks - Coleman Publications
2 years ago

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