Important Updates on the Collective Bargaining Agreement Negotiations for Teachers’ Conditions of Service


The Teacher Unions have issued an important updates to all teachers in the Pre-Tertiary Education Sector regarding the ongoing negotiations for their conditions of service.

In a release made on 25th January 2024, it was revealed that their existing Conditions of Service expired in August 2023.

Therefore, recognizing the urgency of it, all concerned parties have swiftly taken the necessary steps to initiate negotiations in order to establish a new agreement that will better cater to the interests and well-being of the teachers.

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The Teacher Unions noted that they are working diligently to ensure that the voices and concerns of all teachers are duly represented throughout this negotiation process.

According to them, their primary focus is to secure an agreement that will not only improve the working conditions of teachers but also safeguard their rights and promote professional growth.

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Teachers are reassured that their interests and rights are of utmost importance and are being prioritized in these negotiations

It is anticipated that the negotiations will be concluded by the end of February 2024.

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