E.P College of Education, Bimbilla Announces Christmas and New Year Break


In an official statement, the management of E.P College of Education in Bimbilla has announced that the college will be going on recess for the Christmas and New Year holidays.

SEE ALSO: E.P College of Education, Bimbilla Releases 2023/2024 Admission List

The notice, addressed to the staff, college community, and the general public, states that the break will start after the close of work on Friday, 22nd December 2023.

During this period, the college will be closed, allowing staff and students to spend quality time with their loved ones and celebrate the festive season.

In the statement, it was revealed that the college will officially resume work on Thursday, 4th January 2024.

SEE ALSO: Admission Fee: Failure to Pay on Time May Result in Forfeiture of Admission

The Management also extended their warm wishes to the college community and the general public.

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