Can a College of Education Degree Qualify You for National Service or Posting in Senior High Schools?

Many students who pursue education-related courses in colleges of Education may have been wondering if their degree program can guarantee them the opportunity to teach and serve in senior high schools.

To clear the air, having a degree from a college of Education does not automatically qualify you to teach in senior high schools or have your National Service there.

This is because the focus of such degree programs is on training teachers for the basic level of education, i.e., kindergarten to Junior High Schools, and not for the senior high level.

Moreover, the Ghana Education Service (GES) and the National Teaching Council (NTC) have a policy that mandates graduates from Public Colleges of Education to teach only in Public Basic schools.

This policy is derived from the fact that Public Colleges of Education are designed to train teachers specifically for basic schools. Therefore, public colleges of education graduates will receive their National Service posting to public Basic schools.

See also: Things To Note When Applying For College Of Education.

However, Private Colleges of Education in Ghana are not bound by the same policy, and their graduates can be posted to either private or government schools for their National Service.

Graduates of these Colleges of Education are not bonded by GES and NTC to work solely in public basic schools.

It’s worth noting that although private colleges of Education graduates can be posted to different sectors, they are more likely to be given priority to teach in private basic schools when applicants are considered.

The private school will be required to remit the graduate’s National Service allowance and pay NSS contribution before the National Service Secretariat posts the graduate.

Check: The Benefits of Pursuing Higher Education at a University

In summary, while a College of Education degree equips graduates with foundational teaching skills, it has limitations on the level of education where they can teach or do National Service.

Graduates from public colleges of education are posted to public basic schools while graduates of private colleges of education have more flexibility.

SEE ALSO: Qualifications to Teach in Senior High School in Ghana

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