Bia Lamplighter College Of Education to hold Virtual SRC Elections


Bia College of Education is holding its SRC General Elections tomorrow, 22nd December 2022.

The College Could not conduct its election earlier than scheduled due to the unexpected strike action by CETAG.

With Students on break, the Electoral Commission of the College has resorted to Online voting.

As stated earlier, the voting will take place on Thursday, 22nd December 2022, from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

The EC Chairperson, Miss Lawrencia Koranteng is pleading with all Student Teachers of Bia lamplighter College to comply with the decision of the EC for successful elections.

How To Cast Your Vote

1.You must receive an SMS containing your particulars/details ( Password, Username/index number/Reference number, and Hall)

  1. Tap/Click on the link in the SMS or HERE
  2. Enter your index number and password.
  3. Click on sign in
  4. Select your favorite aspirant by clicking on the small circle beside the picture.
  5. After voting, Click on Preview to know the person that you have voted for before you Submit
  7. After submitting the first voting, it will take you back to the login page again for hall president.
  8. Enter your index number and password again.
  9. Vote for your hall President.
  10. Click on Submit.
  • NOTE:
  • Your Hall will come with the SMS.
  • If you are not a member of that particular Hall, you cannot vote.
  • If your Hall was incorrect that means you cannot vote for your hall but the hall that will come with the SMS.
  • You can click on Reset if you mistakenly voted for the wrong person.

Credit: SRC GENERAL SECRETARY/ Vetting and election Committee

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