Allowance: Trainees in Offinso College of Education Paid, Details Drop


As was rightly said by the Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, and reported by our media outlet, trainees at Offinso College of Education have received their disbursement.

Many trainees have sent us messages eagerly awaiting news about the number of months of arrears they were paid and the number of months they should expect from the SLTF.

Based on the information obtained so far, it seems that out of the total six months’ arrears owed, only two months will be disbursed.

Read also: Date For The Payment of Trainees’ Allowances Revealed.

However, it remains uncertain whether the SLTF has plans to disburse more than two months’ worth of arrears or less.

We cannot confirm any further details about the trust fund’s intentions at this time, as Officials from the SLTF have not made any official statements regarding such plans.

See this: Update On The Payment Of Teacher Trainees’ Allowance

For the latest updates on this matter, we encourage you to keep following our website and social media pages.

We are committed to keeping you informed about any new developments or changes in the disbursement process.

Check: ITECPD Provides Updates on Trainees’ Semester Results Release

However, trainees should note that, TTAG is continuously advocating for their rights and welfare, ensuring that they receive the financial support they need to pursue their education without hindrance.

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