- Which of the following fruits will you recommend to heal a child’s sores?
A. Guava C. Coconuts
B. Lemons D. Pawpaw - Which of the following nutrients is referred to as a protective food.
A. Lipids C. Protein
B. Vitamins D. Carbohydrates - Steaming is the best method of cooking food for invalids and convalescents because the food…….
A. is made very soft
B. cooks quickly
C. looks appetizing
D. is easy to digest. - Fruits and vegetables are rich in
A. Protein
B. Carbohydrates
C. Vitamins
D. Fats and oils - Maltose is made up of the molecule —- —–
A. glucose + fructose
B. glucose + galactose
C. glucose + glucose
D. glucose + lactose - Amino acid that can be produced by the body are termed as ———– amino acid
A. essential
B. non – essential
C. complete
D. incomplete - Fats soluble vitamins includes vitamin ——————
A. A and B
B. A and C
C. A and D
D. B and C - Protein needs depends on the following except —————-
A. age
B. body size
C. intellect
D. sex - Rickets results from insufficient intake of ———————
A. Vitamin B1
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin E
D. Vitamin K - An adolescent girl who has reached puberty needs more——– rich foods
A. Iodine
B. Iron
C. Calcium
D. Sodium - Veal is the flesh from—–
A. Calf
B. Sheep
C. Cow
D. Goat - Nutrition is the study of the —-
A. chemicals found in food
B. quality of food we eat
C. ingredients used in meal preparation and service
D. nutrients in relation to their effect on the body. - Which of the following chemical elements is unique to proteins?
A. Carbon
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen
D. Oxygen - In a diet with no carbohydrate and fat, the protein eaten would be used mainly for
A. giving heat and energy
B. protection against diseases
C. maintenance of body fluid
D. building and repairing - The best way of storing eggs is by placing it with the ——————-
A. pointed end upper most
B. pointed end side ways
C. blunt end upper most
D. blunt end side ways - Which of the following dishes is not steamed?
A. Bread and butter pudding
B. Caramel Custard
C. Abolo
D. Yakayaka - A quick and attractive but expensive method of cooking is ————
A. roasting
B. poaching
C. stewing
D. frying - The main reason for cooking yam before eating is to make it ——
A. palatable
B. digestible
C. acceptable
D. favourable - Steaming is the best method of cooking food for invalids because the food ————-
A. looks more appetizing
B. is made very soft
C. cooks quickly
D. is easy to digest. - All the following are moist heat methods of cooking food except
A. Steaming
B. Stewing
C. Poaching
D. Frying.
Q1a. Explain the term food?
1b. Give any three reasons for cooking.
1c. Differentiate between baking and roasting.
1d. List any three ingredients that can be used to coat food before deep frying.
Q2a. Complete the table by providing the specific name to the meat obtained from the following animals.
Domestic birds | |
Young sheep | |
Cow | |
Goat | |
Bush animals |
2b. Identify any four ways for testing for the freshness of an egg.
2c. State two points to consider when buying green leafy vegetables.
2d. State any two nutritive value of poultry.
Q3a. Explain the term management.
3b. When do we manage. Give two instances
3c. Identify and explain the types of goals.
3d. what are the steps in decision making?
Q4a what are resources?
4b. Explain three characteristics of resources.
4c. who is an entrepreneur?
4d. Identify two reasons why there is the need to invest in greening TVET.
Q5a. Identify three National Home Economics Associations.
5b. State two key roles of Ghana Home Economics Associations.
5c. write down four vocations in food and nutrition.
- B 11. A
- B 12. D
- D 13. C
- C 14. A
- C 15. C
- B 16. A
- C 17. D
- C 18. B
- B 19. D
- B 20. B
Q1a. Food is any substance which when eaten, digested and absorbed by the body, produces energy, promotes growth of tissues and regulates body process
Food is anything solid or liquid which when taken into the body promotes growth, provides heat and regulates body process. 1mk
1b.Reasons for cooking food
To make it soft and easy to digest
To improve appearance and taste of food
To kill microorganism that are present in food
To make it attractive and more appetising
To bring about variety
To develop flavour 1mk each (3mks)
1c. Differentiate between baking and roasting
It is a method of cooking food in hot air in an enclosed space called an oven where as roasting is a method of cooking food in an open fire or by hot air in the oven or in pot.
When roasting in the oven the food is usually basted the food but baking requires no basting. 2mks
1c. Ingredients used in coating food before frying
Bread crumbs
Seasoned flour. 3mks
domestic birds | Poultry |
Young sheep | Lamp |
Cow | Beef |
Goat | Chevron |
Bush animal | Game |
1mark each (5mks)
2b.Ways for testing for the freshness of an egg
Brine test. Dissolve two table spoons salt in one pint of water and gently lower the egg into it. If it sinks, it is fresh but if it floats then it is stale.
Candling test. Hold the egg against sunlight, if it is clear it is fresh but if it is not clear then it is stale.
Broken test. In this method break the egg in to a plate, if the yolk is in the centre surrounded by the white then it is fresh but if the white is mixed with the yolk or has an unpleasant smell then it is spoilt.
Fresh egg will feel rough when touched but stale egg will feel smooth when touched
2 marks each (6 mks)
2c. Points to consider when buying green leafy vegetables.
The leaves should be free from insects attack.
The colour should be attractive should look brisk and fresh.
The leaves should not drop the bunch is shaken. 1 mark each (2mks)
2d. Nutritive values of poultry.
Poultry contain protein of high biological value.
It contains minerals and B vitamins.
It also contain unsaturated fat. 1 mark each (2mks)
3a. Management is the development and use of resources to meet needs and achieve goals. It is the method families use to get what they want to achieve in life.
3b. When do we manage?
We manage when
there is a problem to be solved.
there is a shortage of resources
there is a conflict of wants
the need for change is necessary
we are unable to achieve our targets . 1 mark each (2mks)
3c. Types of goals
Long term or ultimate goal. Goal that take a relatively long period of time to be achieved and are therefore considered fairly permanent
Short term or intermediate goal. Goals on the other hand are accomplished in a relatively short period of time.
Means end goals. They are steps or activities that are necessary to reach our goal, they are day to day decision and activities we take towards the achievement of our goal. Each goal identified with explanations and examples attract 2marks (6mks)
3d.Steps in decision making.
Identify the problem
Consider all the possible alternatives
Seek information and weigh consequences of alternatives
Choose the best alternative
Evaluate the decision. 1 mark each (5mks)
Q4a. What are resources?
Resources are all the things an individual or family owns or has access to which can be used to meet goals and to satisfy needs. 1mk
4b. Characteristics of resources
Resources have alternate uses
They can be substituted
They can be exchanged
They are Limited and scarce
Resources are manageable . 1 mark each (3mks)
4c.Who is an entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur is a person who set up a business, invest resources and manages them to achieve the desired goals. 1mk
4d1. Characteristics of an entrepreneur
Opportunity seeking
Moderate risk bearers
Innovator . 1 mark each (3mks)
4d2.Reason why there is a need to invest in greening TVET
It promotes job creation by providing skills needed in the new green sectors.
A green workforce will enhance the profitability of the enterprise.
Greening TVET helps production to advance to more environmentally conscious practices.
1 mark each (2mks)
5a. National Home Economics Associations
International Federation of Home Economics (IFHE)
Food and Beverages Association of Ghana (FBAS)
Ghana Hotels Associations (GHA)
Ghana Traditional Caterers Association (GTCA) . 1 mark each (3mks)
5b. Key roles of Ghana Home Economics Associations
They provide opportunities through symposia, conferences and seminars to discuss development in home economics and its related fields.
Promote better living standards and homes, communities and the nation.
Promote high professional standards of its members. . 1 mark each (2mks)
5c. Vocations in food and nutrition
Food vending
Small canteen and chop bars
Bakery / confectionary
Snack bars
Workers canteens.
1 mark each (4mks)