Differentiated Assessment Past Questions With Answers


Differentiated Assessment is a course meant to expose and consolidate student teachers’ knowledge about the psychology of learning in early adolescents. 

The course focuses on the stages of human development and language development and their implications on teaching and learning.

The course is designed to expose student teachers to basic concepts and principles of assessment in schools.  It is also structured to enable them to identify and apply the various forms and types of assessment to address diverse learners’ needs to meet grade-level expectations and national assessment benchmarks. 

Below are some multiple-choice items to assist you as you prepare to take your paper. The Multiple-choice items come with the solution.

Multiple Choice

1. The process of monitoring pupils progress to find out how they can be helped to learn better is termed…………………………

a. diagnosis

b. evaluation

c. guidance

d. prediction

2. One difference between criterion- referenced tests and norm- referenced tests is that norm-referenced test use…………………………….

a. absolute standards

b. classroom test standards

c. raw standards

d. relative standards

3. The part of the education of an individual which is concerned with emotions and attitudes is referred to as the……………………………………………. domain.

a. aesthetic

b. affective

c. cognitive

d. psychomotor

4. At which point in curriculum implementation should test items be designed?

a. After content delivery

 b. After statement of objectives

c. At the evaluation stage

d. Halfway through the content.

5. When a teacher writes a lesson objective requiring pupils to summarize what has been taught in their own words, what category of learning will you put this under?

a. Analysis

b. Application

c. Comprehension

d. Knowledge

6. Which domain of educational objectives do the following classifications refer to?

Receiving, Responding, Valuing, Organization.

a. Affective domain

b. Cognitive domain

c. Psychomotor domain

d. None of the above

7. Testing in which attainment is measured in terms of specific levels of mastery is known as…………

a. criterion- referencing

b. norm- referencing

c. post- testing

d. pre- testing

8. Which of the following factors should we consider most when we are writing lesson objectives?

a. Content of what we are going to teach

b. Form or structure of the statement we write

c. Length of the statement of objectives

d. Relevance of what we intend to teach

9. Which of the following question statements will be the best as an objective test item?

a. Kwame Nkrumah was……………………………………………………

b. The first president of Ghana was………………………………………..

c. The name of the first president of Ghana was…………………………..

d. Who was the first president of Ghana?

10. In writing good True- False items for a test, it is not advisable to use……………………

a. specific determination

b. positive

c. your own words

d. familiar language

11. To judge the content validity of test, we look at the relationship between the objectives and the……

a. domain

b. grade

c. format

d. valid

12. When a test yields the same results when taken again by the same pupils under the same conditions. It is said to be…………………………………

a. adequate

b. consistence

 c. reliable

d. valid

13. An objective test in which pupils select the most appropriate answer from a set of alternate responses is called

a. matching

 b. multiple choice

 c. short answer

d. supply

14. In an objective test item where there is one best answer and several incorrect answers, the incorrect answers are referred to as………………………………….

a. deviators

 b. distracters

c. foils

d. stems

15. Which of the following might occur if an essay question was poorly structured?

a. It will prevent reliable grading

 b. It will lower the validity of test.

c. It may yield a variety of answers

 d. The responses may be short

16. The score which occur most often in a set of marks is called……………………………

a. mean

b. median

c. mode

d. frequency

17. The difference between the highest and the lowest scores of a set of marks is called………….

a. mean

b. median

c. range

d. scale

18. Which of the following is an advantage of using essay item?

a. They enable the pupil to integrate information

b. They measure more of the pupil’s information

c. They take less time

d. Using them increases content validity.

19. In test development, the table of specifications is used mainly to improve the………………… in/of the questions set.

a. balance

 b. objectives

c. relevance

d. specificity.

20. In a perfectly symmetrical distribution, which one of the following statements is true? The mean………………….

a. and the median will be equal

b. and the mode will be equal

c. will be greater than the median

d. will be less than the median

21. Which of the following statements about research is true?

a. All problems are researchable

b. All research problems must fit the requirements of the scientific method

c. Any problem built entirely around activity is a research problem

d. Whenever a statistical formula is used to organize, arrange and present data, it is a research.

22. For a problem to be researchable, it must demand…………………………………….

a. a gathering and arrangement of data into a certain form

b. an assignment of values to identified variables in an organized form

c. an interpretation of data leading to a discovery of fact.

d. statistical statements comparing two or more group of data.

23. The sources of literature review for research are classified into two. These are…………….sources.

a. book and journals

b. primary and secondary

c. print and electronic

d. theoretical and empirical

24. If you have socio- economic background as a variable in your research, how will you categorize the different backgrounds?

a. Good, average and low

b. High average and low

c. Lower, middle and upper

d. Rich, middle and poor

25. Another name for the personal data requested from subjects in a research is………………….

a. biographical information

b. classified information

c. dependent information

d. general information

26. The two forms of administering questionnaire are………………….………….

a. immediate collection and collection after a time

b. individual administration and mailing

c. individual and group administration

d. personal administration and mailing

27. Which of the following is not a type of validity of questionnaire items?

a. Content validity

b. Construct validity

c. Distributive validity

d. Face validity

28. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good questionnaire?

a. It must depict the central theme of the research question

b. It should be as short as possible, seeking only relevant information.

c. It should seek data on what exists in books and reports.

d. The items should be stated in a logical order.

29. Which of the following are frequency distributions?

a. Histograms

b. Pie chart

c. Percentage bars

d. All the above

30. What is the value of the mode in the following set of scores?

6 4 8 11 5 4 11 8 4

a. 4

b. 5

c. 8

d. 11

31. What does the standard deviation represent in any one distribution of scores?

a. Amount of variability

b. Relative position of the mean

c. Similarity of a group’s performance

d. Typical performance

32. Variables are measured at a number of levels. Which of the following is NOT a level of measurement of variables?

a. Nominal measurement

b. Ordinal

c. Interval measurement

d. Direct measurement

Section B

  1. State any two characteristics that a good instructional objective must processes
  2. Bloom (1956) proposed a taxonomy of educational objectives. List the hierarchy of cognitive objectives he proposed from the lowest (a) to the highest (f).


  • a. it is Specific
  • it is Measurable
  • it is Achievable
  • it is Realistic
  • it is Time Bound.
  • Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
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