
Brazil worships Satan and mocks God at Carnival, and God responds with a flood

Brazil worships Satan and mocks God at Carnival, and God responds with a flood

Is Water Baptism Necessary for Salvation?

Water baptism is a symbol of Jesus Christ's death, burial and resurrection. It is a symbol of entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ, coming just as we are, clothed in our old life with all of its habits, mindsets, and behaviors.

Generosity Family-USA Supports Ebenezer Methodist Church, Wassa Atobiase Circuit

The Ebenezer Methodist Church, Wassa Atobiase circuit in the Western Region has received donations of 100 pieces of chairs, one full box of used clothes, and other items from the Generosity Family, a non-governmental organization based in the United State of America, USA.

The Christian Teachers’ Fellowship of Komenda College of Education has held a Mega Denominational Praise Service

The Christian Teachers' Fellowship, popularly known as Scripture Union(S.U) has held a massive denominational Praise Service.

Jesus In Schools Movement( JISMO) Celebrates First Anniversary in a Grand Style

"Don't live as a worldly person, cling to God and adhere to His instructions and it will certainly be well with you". Reverend Father Stephen Sackey expressed.

Adam and Eve Never Ate an Apple? |SEE DETAILS|

From when the Command was given to Adam through to when they flaunted it, nowhere was it indicated that the fruit was an apple in the Bible!

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