God is not done with you

Anyone with an assignment from God, won't be given up to the devil to be destroyed, until what He has for you is accomplished.

SET FREE FROM SIN -Lesson 5( Righteousness)

Majority of Christians today when asked if they are righteous, the answer they give is No. This is because, they justify themselves by the law which lead them to sin. Glory be to God the previous lessons have open our minds and have erased those mentality from us.

Set Free From Sin (Lesson 4)

Jesus Christ ended THE LAW. He brought an end to it so that man could have the right reputation with God. The secret is, that if Jesus wants to deal with sin once and for all, He doesn't have to attack sin.

Set Free From Sin (Lesson 3)

Now, sin entered our world when the law was instituted. The laws which God saw as a solution for humanity to be free from disobedience became a gateway to sin.

Set Free From Sin (Lesson 2)

Sin is lawlessness. That is to go against the law or to break down rules and regulations. This means the only thing that makes men conscious of sin is the Law. Without laws, there will be no sin.

Set Free From Sin (Lesson 1)

The purpose of why Christ came will be hidden from men. And men will continue to see God as somebody who is very wicked and always looking forward for His children to sin for Him to punish them.

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