
UCC Institute of Education Releases Resit Centres and Time-table for Second Semester Exams 2018-Year Group, Academic Year 2021/2022

The resit centres have been classified into four centres, namely; Bagabaga CoE in Tamale, OLA CoE in Cape Coast, Accra CoE in Accra, Medina, and Weslyn CoE in Kumasi...

Institute of Education Releases Exam Timetable for 2019-Year Group Affiliated Colleges of Education Students

The Institute of Education, University of Cape Coast (UCC), has released the End of Second Semester Examinations timetable for the 2019-year group students at various affiliated Colleges of Education

National Teaching Council Announces Resit Registration for 2023 Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE 1)

The National Teaching Council (NTC) is responsible for regulating the teaching profession in Ghana in accordance with the Education Regulatory Bodies Act 2020 (ACT 1023).

Benefits of Pursuing Higher Education at University

When considering higher education, many students may feel torn between attending a college of education or pursuing a degree at a university. While both options have their advantages, attending a university can offer a broad range of benefits that extend beyond just the field of education.

Pay Student Loans Immediately- NUGS to SLTF

The Union emphatically stated that the delay in releasing the fund is causing more harm to students as they are unable to register for their courses and continue with their academic activity

Halt The Implementation Of The 15% Fee Increment For Further Engagements- GRASAG to Government and GTEC

Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) to halt the implementation of this increment indefinitely to allow for further engagements with all relevant stakeholders, including Student Unions

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