Tag results for: TTAG

TTAG Issues Update on the Delayed Teacher Trainee Allowances

With a heavy heart, TTAG sheds more light on the challenges faced by esteemed Teacher Trainees who currently endure the absence of their stipend payments

TTAG Addresses Feeding and Allowance Issues for Teacher Trainees

TTAG assures all trainees that it will keep them informed of any further developments related to allowance and feeding components.

Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana Advocate for Allowance Increment

The Teacher Trainee Association of Ghana (TTAG) is calling on the Government of Ghana and the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) to increase the allowances paid to teacher trainees in all government-accredited Colleges of Education.

TTAG Addresses Teaching Practicum and Project Work Fees for Level 400 Trainees

According to the association, the high fees are causing financial hardship for many trainee teachers who often struggle to make ends meet during their training.

TTAG-WEC Sector Executive Officers for the 2023/2024 TTAG Year

The Western and Central Sector of the Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana (TTAG) has elected new Executive Officers to take the leadership mantle of the Sector for the 2023/2024 TTAG Year

Meet Jephthah Nana Kwame, The Newly Elected TTAG President, His Policies & Appreciation Message

The Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana (TTAG) has elected Mr Jephthah Nana Kwame, Captain Jephthah as their new National President for the 2023/2024 TTAG year.

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