Tag results for: NTC

NTC Proposes Entrance Exams for Colleges of Education

The exams were initially scheduled to commence for the 2023 admissions, but unfortunately, they did not take place.

National Teaching Council Announces Date for 2023 Ghana Teacher Licensure Exam for Newly Trained Teachers

The National Teaching Council (NTC) has announced the date for the 2023 Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination for newly trained teachers.

84% of Graduates Fail Ghana Teacher Licensure Exam: A Call for Urgent Education Reform,” says Kofi Asare.

Asare implores all stakeholders to come together and work towards reforming the education system before it's too late.

Trained Teachers from Colleges Outperform Those from Universities in the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination – Study Reveals

The research, which surveyed over 3,000 respondents who had written the GTLE from 2018 to 2021, revealed that the pass rate of those from colleges was 79%, while those from universities had a pass rate of 71%.

NTC Evaluates Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination, New Pass Mark Announced

The National Teaching Council (NTC) of Ghana has conducted an evaluation of the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE) and Teacher Professionalism in Ghana.

National Teaching Council Announces Resit Registration for 2023 Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE 1)

The National Teaching Council (NTC) is responsible for regulating the teaching profession in Ghana in accordance with the Education Regulatory Bodies Act 2020 (ACT 1023).

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