Some women claim that thanks to hot sex, you can fall in love with a man. But is it so?
Sex, of course, takes about 50% of success, but if that’s all you can give a man, then you shouldn’t count on more.
‘Sex based’ relationships will last until a man finds a woman who will give him more than just good sex.
Yes! Since the only thing you can offer him is sex, the moment he gets someone who is more ‘hot’ and can add more value to his life than you, the relationship is over.
Don’t think you can keep a man by sex! Build a solid character with respect and humility enveloping you! Build yourself and work on achieving your aims! Men respects responsible women!
Become too valuable that he will treasure every iota of word you utter!
Grab this, Men become deeply attached to only the women with whom they have emotional contact.
So, build your relationship on better systems with solid foundations than sex!
Whom should you ‘fall in love with‘ ?
Fall in love with someone who wants you, who will wait for you.
Who will understand your madness, who will help you and guide you, who will support you, your hope(future).
Fall in love with someone who will talk to you even after a fight.
Fall in love with someone who will always miss you and want to be with you.
But just don’t fall in love with the body, or the face, or the idea of being loved. With that, your foundation will only be Sex! And this relationship won’t last!