Yes! There’s nothing like a perfect or a complete woman/lady.
Men/Guys must understand this simple fact when diving into a relationship.
When choosing a woman who works, you have to accept that she can’t handle the house.
In addition, If you have chosen a housewife who can take care of you and fully manage your household, you have to accept that she is not earning money.
If you choose an obedient woman/lady, you must accept that she depends on you and you must ensure her life.
Again, If you decide to be with a strong woman, you have to accept that she is tough and she has her own opinion.
If you choose a beautiful woman, then you will have to accept big expenses.
In the same way, If you decide to be with a successful woman, you must understand that she has character and has her own goals and ambitions.
There are no such things as perfect and complete women. Each has their own riddles, which makes them unique.
You simply must make the decision to build and mould her to the form you desires!