Yes! Life is not a fun fair where everything goes! Just remain resolute going through whatever you are going through now.
It’s a true preparation for your tomorrow. Your story will be a ‘best listening’ to very soon.
The journey must be tough! Yes! You have to fall! You have to fight! The world will ridicule you! Men will try stoning you! You will be rejected! But don’t give up!
The pain is real! Tears Will flow! Sleepless nights will surface!
But In all these you must keep going! Yes! You get to keep pushing and chasing the vision!
Attaining the results will change the story! I am young but I have learnt the world doesn’t need your explanations and excuses! It’s results that matters!
So, stop explaining yourself to people and keep the task on! Accomplishment is a must!
Remember, God never promised us of a life free from pains and struggles here!
He only promised of not leaving us in the midst of all such storms!
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you” . [Isaiah 43:2 NASB]
Look at that! Yes! Meaning it’s a must to pass through the waters! At some point in your life you have to pass through fire! And at certain stage it will be a river!
Don’t ever think God has forsaken you! No! He hasn’t!, and He will never do that!
Don’t also think you are passing through whatever you are passing through now sake of a mistake you’ve committed years ago! Yes! it might look true but God has not forsaken you!
He is with you turing such a Mistake into a Miracle! It will all make sense soon.
Remember, in the midst of your ‘deepest sin’, God still loves you and wouldn’t forsake you! So don’t give up
Never think your own isn’t good! God is behind the scene preparing you for a bigger task ahead.
All that Joseph went through were unknowingly his preparations towards saving his family and nations at large in the future! It’s a process!
The situation might not look favorable, conducive and accommodating now! But keep going! Keep running! Keep pushing! God is with you.
All will make sense soon! Don’t give up on yourself if God hasn’t given up on you. At the end, may we All be Great. Amen