I become very startled seeing men doing all sorts of things all in the name of seeking salvation!
The majority are told to fast for some specific durations or days before they can receive salvation or be saved( I am not against fasting but the motives behind it).
Others are also told to “sow special seeds” for their salvation( donate some amount of money). Some are asked to bathe or drink some special water!
Beloved, get it straight today, Your salvation is not in that so called ‘seeds you sow’ or the “starving you will be starving yourself with the motive of seeking for salvation! Your salvation is the Lord Jesus Christ.
So Peter said, there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which men must be saved than the name Jesus-Acts 4:12.
You see that? So which means, Jesus is the only person that can save and nothing else. Which also means, if I have this man(Jesus) , I’m saved. And how can I have this man? Is by believing Him with my heart and accepting him into my life (John 1:12).
So now the question is, what must I do to be saved?
Apostle Paul and Silas answered this question. Just look at it here,
And they said, "BELIEVE IN THE LORD JESUS, AND YOU WILL BE SAVED, you and your household." Act 16:31 NIV
Did they reply that you must fast, and sow special monies as “seeds”? The answer is an award-winning No.
They said, BELIEVE. it’s that simple! Hey, don’t be deceived. Shine your eyes. You are not to pay for your salvation.
Salvation is free. All you need is to believe In Jesus because He paid the full price for your salvation.
Believe in Him today as the son of God who died and arose for your justification on the third day and is now seated at the right-hand side of the Father in heaven. That’s all.
Jesus doesn’t need your fasting, money or prayers to save you( these are secondary matters when it comes to your walk as a Christian, And it must be taught well!). He needs your belief…