
And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. 1 Samuel 17:48

Yesterday as I was reading this verse ,the holy spirit whispered into my ears this words ”KEEP GROWING” . I thought about it for an hour then the real insight was dropped into my spirit . And from it I write today’s devotion to you!

To grow as used in this content simply means to increase in size and height as long as life is concern. It can happen as a result of addiction of new materials and other things.

But I am not here to talk about physical growth but the spiritual growth .

Every believer needs to grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally in life and in The lord if he or she wants to be a winner in life

I have discovered that successful people are bigger than their problems.

The scripture said ‘ when the Jews saw Goliath , THEY RAN FROM HIM. Why did they ran away from him? The answer is HE WAS BIGGER THAN THEM ON THE INSIDE.

Did you heard me right? it is not about the physical growth that matters! it is what is inside you that is about how matured you are in the Lord that determines how you will appropriate the victory of Christ in your life.

There are many people out there who are running away from challenges simply because they are still babies on the inside ..

Bible said , when David saw the same Goliath , HE RAN Towards him because he( David) was bigger than Goliath on His inside ..

What is inside you will determine what you deal with on the outside . so, the key to becoming more and more successful is NOT to AVOID PROBLEMS.

They must surely come! The key to success and greater success is to KEEP GROWING YOURSELF to become Bigger than your problems .

Always remember , it is not the size of your problems, it is the size of your capabilities…

Further reading
Isaiah 5:13
I john 4:4

God of David turn me into a power house against every problem allow into my destiny . I shall not fail. I shall not bow in Jesus name . Amen.

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4 years ago

Thank you, minister for such insight.
Please, you were talking about how to grow the inside. My question is, how does the spiritual capabilities manifest itself to the physical realm? So that someone can see how bigger or small you are.

4 years ago
Reply to  Moses Coleman

Errrm…am confused. We are not fighting for victory but from victory? Well, can you please enlightened me?

4 years ago
Reply to  Moses Coleman

Okay please. Thank you very much. May father in heaven increase your knowledge, annionting and blessings because you have been a blessing to me.